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Conference: Educity, The neighbourhood as a learning environment

EduCity Conference

In Berlin, 25-26 January 2024

EduCity Conference Poster

Day two - Session 5A - at 11.45

Made in Sishane Project as a Collective Learning and Making Practice for Sustainability of Craft Neighbourhoods in Istanbul.

I will present a paper named “Made in Sishane Project as a Collective Learning and Making Practice for Sustainability of Craft Neighbourhoods in Istanbul”

The presentation will address the sustainability of a neighborhood and the multi-dimensional, multi-actor and long-term approach of resistance methods through the actions lead by the Made in Sishane initiative.

The presentation will open up these experiences for evaluation through some questions;

  • How is a neighborhood strengthened by craft relationships and practices?

  • How a neighborhood turn into an informal academy?

  • How do the actors, tools and studio context of a formal design education transform with those of a craft neighborhood?

  • Can the actions and programming methods developed for sustainability of a neighborhood be part of a new architectural and design practices?

EduCity Logo

The neighbourhood as a learning environment

“The conference looks at the potential of neighbourhoods as spaces for social engagement. It will present ideas and tools to explore the neighbourhood as an active site for mutual learning, innovation and capacity building. EduCity has a multidisciplinary and inclusive ambition and is open to researchers, practitioners, educators, civil servants and engaged citizens active in processes of social inclusion and community empowerment. The objective is to connect and provide tools to organisations and individuals who share an interest in the potential of neighbourhoods as learning environments.”

Click here to see more informations about conference.

"....Following the presentation of the results of the Educity project, a remarkable series of presentations from all across Europe and the world will provide different perspectives on neighbourhood engagement through education, culture, art, and politics."

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